An evening to honor Ed Gragert

Tonight educators, colleagues and friends of iEARN come together at the Pratt Mansions, New York City, to celebrate the passion, inspiration and hard work Dr. Ed Gragert has given to global collaborative learning and technology.

Ed joined iEARN-USA at it’s inception 21 years ago, and leaves his position as Executive Director having impacted our field as a tireless pioneer who touched the hearts of so many around the US and the world with his infectious charisma and conscientious spirit.

Be a part of the celebration by sending messages to Ed on Twitter #EdGragert

If you  would like to support iEARN-USA, visit

All the very best Ed!

We look forward to your new role as Director Emeritus, and many more years of your leadership in the international exchange field.

6 thoughts on “An evening to honor Ed Gragert

  1. Ed my friend, congratulations on your work and devotion to improving education across the globe.

    I am sorry I could not be there!!

    Your work to help us begin the Australian centre and those very first video calls in the middle of the night in the late 1980’s in Broadford are always fondly remembered!!

    Establishing the first Indigenous People’s ( First People’s) project, the first Ozone monitoring project or the first project monitoring the work of the Global Red Cross always saw you working closely with teachers, students, administrators and Government officials, a skill rarely matched, but greatly admired!!

    Our work to be the first to link, Australia, Japan, China and Korea in I*EARN was very rewarding. I shared my first sake in Japan with you and my first mate’ with you in Argentina!!! I think there may be a pattern there! ( grin)

    Good luck and best wishes for your next chapter my friend.

    Kind regards


  2. It seems like the end of an era for iEARN, but a new and exciting chapter in life for Ed. I join all other friends in saluting you Ed for your incredible work and
    wish you the very best of luck.
    Also, best wishes to iEARN-USA team, Lisa, Tina, Losira, Diane and all others.


  3. What a great and deserved honor and celebration of your advocacy and contributions. All the best wishes to you on your path ahead.

  4. I am happy Ed was given such deserving send off party. I am certain he will continue to render his selfless service to IEARN. Well done IEARN USA team for the good job done!

    Ebenezer Malcolm

  5. Hello Everyone,

    Thanks for these warm and generous comments. I feel so lucky to have been able to meet, work with and learn from so many wonderful people around the world–and at the same time have an impact on the lives of students and teachers globally. What a privilege!

    With a virtual hug for you all!!


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